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AWWA Manua M14 RESPONSIBILITIES The United States Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) became law in The purpose of the act is to protect public health by regulating all public drinking water supplies in the United States. SDWA was amended in and again in As amended, it requires pro - tection of the public drinking water supply and its sources: both surface water and ground water standards). + AWWA Manual M14 Recommended Practice for. Backflow Prevention and CrossConnection Control. + A WWA Manual M32 Distribution Network Analysis for. Water Utilities. + AWWA Manual M36 Water Audits and Leak Detection. + AWWA Manual M44 Distribution Valves: Selection,. Installation, Field Testing Read/Download File Report Abuse. Susceptibility of Awwa Manual M14 - Free PDF eBooks - Download free pdf eBooks about Awwa Manual M14, AWWA MANUAL M31 Fourth Edition. American Water Works Association Manual M14, Read - Readbag users suggest that is worth reading. AWWA Manuals of Water Supply AWWA Manuals of Practice are downloadable at

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Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control MANUAL OF WATER SUPPLY PRACTICES M14 Third Edition. All rights reserved. No part of this publication awwa m14 free download be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, awwa m14 free download, including photocopy, recording, o r any information or retrieval system, awwa m14 free download, except in the form of brief excerpts or quotations for review purposes, without the written permission awwa m14 free download the publisher.

Recommended practice for backflow prevention and cross-connection control. Awwa m14 free download 1. Backsiphonage Plumbing --Prevention. Cross-connections Plumbing --Standards. American Water Works Association. TD49LA49 no. M14 LTH American Water Works Association West Quincy Avenue Denver, CO Printed on recycled paper, awwa m14 free download.

Acknowledgments, ix Chapter 1 Introduction. PURPOSE OF MANUAL This manual provides guidance t o water purveyors on the recommended procedures and practices for operating a cross-connection control program.

The purpose of any such program is to reduce the risk of contamination or pollution of the public water system. A cross-connection is an actual or potential connection between any part of a potable water system and any other environment that contains other substances that, under any circumstances, would allow such substances to enter the potable water sys- tem.

Other substances include gases, liquids, or solids, such as chemicals, water prod- ucts, steam, water from other sources potable or nonpotable awwa m14 free download, and any matter that may change the color or taste of water or add odor to water. RESPONS1BI L ITIES In the United States, the federal government, under the Safe Drinking Water Act SDWA 42 U.

Q f to 3OOj, has jurisdiction over the public health aspects of the drinking water supply. State governments also have jurisdiction over matters of public health related to the supply of water. The state regulations cannot supersede the federal regulations; however, awwa m14 free download, they may be more stringent than the federal regula- tions.

Lower levels of government within a state, with the authority of the state, may impose other regulations o r more stringent regulations not in conflict with state regulations. In Canada, the provincial governments have jurisdiction over the public health aspects of the drinking water supply. Lower levels of government within a province e.

Regulations apply to the entity that owns controls the facilities for the manufacture andor distribution of water, awwa m14 free download. For US water utilities water purveyorsthe SDWA regulations govern public water systems. The SDWA see 42 U.

The public water system includes i any collection, treatment, storage and distribution facilities under control of the operator of such system and used primarily in connection with such system, All water utilities manufacture or provide a awwa m14 free download pota- ble water and, like other industries, are regulated by government.

Their work generally con- sists of reviewing plans and inspecting plumbing of permitted new or remod- eled construction. Fire marshals who are responsible for regulating fire protection systems e, awwa m14 free download. Health officials who are responsible for inspecting restaurants and other food preparation facilities e.

Agricultural inspectors who are responsible for the safe handling of chemicals e. All have regulations that involve cross-connection control. These different regulations may be in conflict with the procedures for cross-connection control. The water purveyor is not given authority to exercise any of the above-noted reg- ulatory responsibilities without an agreement for an assignment of authority. The characteristics of potable water are defined by regulations, awwa m14 free download.

The testing of water quality e. However, this does not impose a responsibility on the water purveyor for regulating plumbing. Public Water : Uniform Plumbing Code Jurisdiction Supply Jurisdiction. m 3 I Water Meter i Backflow-Prevention a, : Equipment. Backflow-Prevention Fixture Protection Equipment for per Uniform Plumbing Premises Isolation Code Within Premises. Courtesy of Awwa m14 free download Department of Health. maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water which is delivered t o any user of a public water system.

HEALTH ASPECTS Protection of drinking water for public health emphasizes preventing contamination. A multiple-barrier approach is used from the source awwa m14 free download the tap. The following are major barriers established for public water systems: Sources of supply: Prevent human contaminants such as viruses and bac- teria o r chemicals from entering the water supply through watershed control and wellhead protection programs.

Treatment: Remove or reduce natural and human contaminants to comply with the maximum contaminant levels MCLs established by regulations. Chlorination: Maintain chlorine residual in the water supply t o control microbiological quality.

Storage: Provide covered storage and prevent microbiological contamina- tion through openings in reservoirs, awwa m14 free download. Distribution: Comply with installation awwa m14 free download material standards and provide minimum operating pressures to prevent contaminants from entering the sys- tem.

Water quality monitoring: Provide surveillance of system t o detect con- taminants in the water supply. System operator: Ensure that qualified personnel operate public water systems through operator certification. Emergency plan: Establish procedures for correcting problems detected in water quality monitoring or caused by natural disasters. Major items in the plumbing codes are as follows: Distribution: Install approved materials and follow design requirements to ensure adequate pressure at furtures.

Cross-connection control: Provide backflow preventers at furtures to pre- vent contaminants from entering the system. Licensed plumber: Require that a licensed plumber with some exceptions install and repair all plumbing, awwa m14 free download. These requirements are conservative. They include a high safety factor for sys- tem design reliability and for acceptable contaminant levels.

For example, regulation of chemical contaminants may be based on a possible adverse health effect from the long-term e, awwa m14 free download.

Most SDWA requirements deal with possible chronic long-term health effects. Although cross-connection control is only one of the multiple barriers t o protect water quality, it is one of the most important.

Potable water is water that does not contain objectionable pollution, contamina- tion, minerals, or infectious agents and is considered satisfactory for drinking. By this definition, potable water need not be pure or ultrapure.

Potable water may contain bacteria e. For cross- connection control purposes, potable water awwa m14 free download considered to be safe for human consump- tion, i. A chemical toxin in high concentrations may cause no harm when consumed in low concentrations.

In assessing the actual and potential degrees of hazard, microbiological, chemi- cal, and physical parameters must be considered. These parameters are described in the following paragraphs. Microbiological Waterborne diseases are the primary concern in cross-connection control. Waterborne diseases are caused by the following major groups: bacteria, virus, algae, fungi, proto- zoa, and parasitic helminths worms.

The risk to public health of a waterborne disease transmitted through the public water supply is exacerbated by the large population that may be exposed to the disease; inability t o immediately detect contamination The first indication may be the outbreak of disease.

Contributing to the difficulty of assessing the relative risk to public health from a microbiological contaminant is the issue of infectious dose.

For example, water with a low level of the total coliform bacteria Citrobacter freidii presents little adverse health concern; however, this bacteria often colonizes distribution system pip- ing. By comparison, the ingestion of only a few Giardia cysts may be infectious. Although a microbiological contaminant may not be a pathogen or opportunistic pathogen one that affects a person with a weak immune systemtheir presence in the water distribution system may be an indirect concern.

Some microbiological con- taminants may cause taste and odor problems or cause a chlorine demand. In assessing the problem of bacteria entering the distribution system, the water purveyor must consider the following issues: Poor-quality source water may enhance bacteria growth and regrowth in the distribution system.

For example, source water with a high level of organics provides a food source for bacteria that may enter the distribution system due to awwa m14 free download backflow incident.

Other quality concerns include water with high turbid- ity, sulfate-reducing bacteria, and iron and manganese that provide a biofilm slime or biomass sediment in water mains that facilitate bacteria regrowth. Distribution system piping that is in poor condition awwa m14 free download aid bacteria growth and regrowth.

For example, corrosive water may cause tuberculation to form on old unlined cast-iron and steel water mains. The tubercles provide a rough surface that shelters bacteria from chlorine. Systems may have inadequate capacity to maintain pressure during peak water demand periods e. Many old distri- bution systems have a relatively high frequency of breaks or leaks.

Whenever there is a reduction or loss of pressure in the distribution system, there is the likelihood that contaminants will flow back into the potable water system. The inability and unwillingness to maintain a chlorine residual in the distri- bution system makes it possible for bacteria to live and grow.

Because each water system is different, the concerns about microbiological con- tamination are different for each water purveyor. Chem i cal Every chemical has an effect on the living organisms that are exposed to it.

The higher the dose, the more significant the effect; and awwa m14 free download longer the exposure, the more. significant the effect. Consequently, the toxic dose of each chemical must be consid- ered.

Acute toxic conditions are of most concern in cross-connection control, because immediate health impacts may result. The health effects of a toxic chemical vary by type of chemical, awwa m14 free download, quantity ingested, and the immune system of the infected person. In the small portion of the population that is allergic t o copper, the health effects are far worse, perhaps causing death. Some chemicals have a low level of toxicity.

However, when combined with the chemicals that are added t o a water supply, a more toxic chemical may form. Chemical contaminants may also react with the piping material in the plumbing or distribution system to leach toxic metals into the water.

Because every water system treats its water differently, concerns about chemical contamination are different, awwa m14 free download.

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Awwa m14 free download

awwa m14 free download

Water Works Association (AWWA) “Manual of Water Supply Practices” (M14 manual) and also complies with the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) chapter requirements. The purpose of this manual is to establish an effective Cross Connection Control program (CCC program) within the District’s water service area. The responsibilities of the CCC program are shared by the District This is the fourth edition of the AWWA Manual M14, Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control: Recommended Practices. It provides both technical and general informa-tion to aid in the development, implementation, and management of a cross-connection control and backflow prevention program, and an understanding of backflow prevention and cross-connection control concepts. This manual is a Author: AWWA„American Water Works Association AWWA M14 Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevetion and Cross-Connection - Free download as PDF File .Pdf), Text File .Txt) or read online for free. Practices as outlined in CSA B CSA B as amended, the AWWA M14 Manual and the AWWA Canadian Cross Connection Control Manual. AWWA M14 Manual Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention

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